Visit Chinatungsten by Bus
Long Distance Bus Stations
Address: 3 Bus Stations in Xiamen
Traveling by long distance bus to and from Xiamen is quite simple. However, it is wise to have your destination written in if your pronunciation is poor. Tickets can be purchased at the bus stations, at travel agencies, or your hotel may also be able to assist you. As a rule, buses are quite cheap, but prices may be higher for buses with air conditioning or luxury coaches. Prices run the gamut depending on the distance of your destination. There are direct buses to most destinations in Fujian Province such as Fuzhou, Quanzhou, Zhangzhou, Longyan, etc. There are also direct buses to cities in other provinces such as, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Hong Kong, Guilin, Nanning, Suzhou and Shanghai. Overnight buses are a great way to save time, but only if you don’t have problems with falling asleep, and are not a large person. Lastly, be aware that if you choose a cheaper bus you may not be dropped off at a bus station, but at a random or somewhat unfamiliar place at your destination.
Fang Hu Bus Station
Address: No.5, Jin Hu Lu
Directions: JinHu Lu TBK Business Center
Local Bus Routes to the Station: 7,15,18,86,42,49,68,81,82,118,132,134,757,845,945
Tel: (0)592 5089328/5089328
Hubin Nan (south) Long Distance Bus Station
Address: No.59 Hubin Nan Lu
Directions: The station is just east of Electronic City on Hubin Nan Lu
Local Bus Routes to the Station: 10, 15, 23, 30, 43, 45, 85, 88, 99
Tel: (0)592 2215 283, 2202 030
Jimei Bus Station
Address: No.159, Yinjiang Lu
Directions: The station is just south of Jimei University’s main campus on Yinjiang Lu
Local Bus Routes to the Station: 18, 52, 55, 56, 67, 79, 106, 615, 616, 625
Tel: (0)592 6100 312, 6068 319